How Doctors Turn Passion Into Profit With A 100% Passive Online Course

interview Sep 07, 2021

Meet Dr D: After serving 60h weeks and missing holidays with family... how did this crazy doctor break free from his clinical income?

PROBLEM - Medicine has left him burnout and tied down to trading his time on 1:1 consultations... missing family weekends, holidays, and his child's golden years...

SOLUTION - After following Dr Zoda, he saw the crazy potential of the Internet, and the opportunity to claim back the joy of helping others. How? By selling your medical knowledge to create a 100% passive income source.

RESULT? By following Dr Zoda's 4-step system, in 6 months he surpassed 6000 happy customers, bringing passive income every day with 0 time commitment.

BIGGEST TAKEAWAY? "Be a go-getter! In order to get what you want, you need to help other people get what they want". Now, he wakes up every day passionate about serving humanity and passing on his knowledge to millions of people around the world! ❤

Do you want results like Dr D? If so, book your FREE call and let's talk. Because that's what he did.


On the call, we'll provide useful unique insights applicable to your medical career right now, and also determine if and how we can help you scale to 6-figures using Online Courses over the next 12 months.


yeah hey guys my name is david love this nature i mean love this thing about what you put together to help doctors and even your patients and all the medical people i mean this is so important i mean i can just explain the potential this is so huge i mean the potential is so deep and i i don't know if this is like something that is so common out there but then i look at it i was like i mean this is so crazy listening to dr zoda dr digital i mean what he has created a digital platform where you're going to get doctors on board and then let them share their knowledge that they already have with the public and then create income with that i mean that is so crazy i mean i can't like this is i can't explain how how i feel i mean how i feel to be part of this particular niche this is so great this is so excited so excited so i'm a dead dreamer i'm a positivitist i am a go-getter i believe that in order to get what you want you need it to help other people to get what they want for instance i believe that doctors don't focus on money when patients come to them because patients don't come because they wanted to give money they come because they have a medical problem and then the doctor help them to fix it and get paid as a byproduct so the focus is not the money so i joined this company when it was just beginning when you have 100 clients in all and then in six months together with my others we increase it to six thousand customer base to six thousand customers the second is that i've dealt also with a hospital with a health niche and so this hospital is a private general hospital we deal with all kinds of medical care with primary health care secondary healthcare tertiary healthcare we also have medical specialists like the neurologists oncologists endocrinologists urologists so i was bringing in patients every day through the platform but listen i love what you're doing this is so excited i'm so excited i wanna when i listen to dr zoda i was like this is so deep the reason is because i look at what you people are doing what you stand for and the solution you're trying to offer and i'm like this is exactly what i'm passionate about and then i wanted to be part of this success story that we have created a platform that doctors can use and then you know pass across their knowledge to millions of people around the world and then make our world much better and then get the doctors also to be able to have time for themselves and also for their family and then good for the doctor good for the patients and then good for the company and so i am in for this this is so excited looking forward to work with you guys and looking forward to be part of this success story and let's grow together and i'm open to coachability thank you very much thank you very much i'm david

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